$300.00 USD

Rare opportunity: 3 Discounted sessions with Beatrice, Naturopath, Iridologist & Emotions Healer for only (600$450. Offer Valid Only Today with Purchase of This Program

Liver Gallbladder Health Course + BONUSES

Most programs ignore healing your liver. Your liver affects your mood, hormones, gut, weight, insulin & sugar, cholesterol, skin, sleep and thyroid. 

This course covers very specific information to improve liver health and detoxification, including:  

  • Herbs, Supplements, Homeopathy for deeper liver cleansing and healing.
  • Specific nutrients for phase 1 and phase 2 liver detox pathways
  • Liver connection to gut health, inflammation and chronic diseases
  • Mental health issues connected to liver toxicity and stagnation
  • Weight gain and hunger pangs reduced by improving liver health
  • Thyroid improvement with liver health improvement
  • Signs of liver toxicity
  • Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health issues improved through liver health...
  • SPECIAL BONUSES of full interviews on family constellations, healing trauma, gut health, weight loss, anxiety, depression and hormone health


  • Rare discount on sessions with our Naturopath Beatrice, who focuses on emotions, language of the organs and iridology


Dr. Ameet gives simple steps to help you recover from anxiety, depression, stress and burnout, and with long-lasting results

Dr. Hyla Cass MD, Bestselling Author, Holistic Psychiatrist

I thank Dr. Ameet because he doesn't want to slam pills down your throat, he really wants to know what's going on, whether it's something interior with your organs or something emotional. He really cares about his patients and wants to change the way people think of medicine.

Valentine Holden, Switzerland

I have been having issues with trauma, energy, weight gain, and insomnia. Slowly but surely, as i proceed through the course, things are improving. Forty some years of issues all being released and flushed from my system!

Sunny G., Vancouver

This course changed my life. I used to be overweight, fatigued, very depressed and ached all over. Now I can run, feel confident and even feel more intimate in my sex life. . Thank you!

Sarah B, USA

This course is extremely effective because it helped me with my weight, skin and mood by treating my gut, liver, adrenals and emotions all together. I don't waste money on too many supplements now and I love the emotional healing exercises! So effective!!

Geeta K, Reiki Master

Terms of Use: This information in this program is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis or substitute for medical advice. When you purchase this program, you agree to all of our Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer.   

(c) Dr. Ameet LLC