Get to the root cause of

Anxiety, fatigue, chronic headaches, and gut issues. 

Nature designed you to be a healer. 

I'll show you how to eliminate the modern problems that are blocking you.

Are you struggling with exhaustion, weight gain, food sensitivities, irritability, lack of energy, and inflammation? Your body is plagued with mental and physical imbalances that can't be healed in a weekend.  

My FREE Holistic Medicine Course takes you on a journey into the deepest parts of the mind and body to find your source of imbalance. 

My course teaches you how to heal your body for good. Everyone who has a body is a healer. Unlock your science-backed self-healing potential HERE!

Reclaim your health


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  • How to do a liver detox for chronic disease and mental health.
  • Natural treatments for optimal gut health and reducing chronic inflammation.
  • How to fix hormonal imbalances, leaky gut, weight and thyroid problems, and sleep issues by integrating mind-body healing. 
  • How to rebuild your energy, adrenal glands, immune system, and metabolism.
  • How to use homeopathy and Bach® flowers for anxiety, depression, trauma, and emotional pain.

It's all laid out over 30+ videos that are easy to follow! You'll even get exclusive downloads to help you avoid allergenic foods, follow easy natural remedies, and more. 

When you sign up for my FREE Holistic Medicine Course, you're getting a library of information and resources you can use for the rest of your life.


Voted Top 43 Naturopaths & Featured In

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You’ll discover the tools for undoing the stress, trauma, and damage that are leaving you sick and exhausted. Once you've completed this course, you'll know everything you've ever needed for self-healing. 

Discover The Power to Heal Yourself 

The mind and body must be healed together. This is the big point your doctor is missing! Learn how to re-build your energy and put a stop to chronic pain and tension by healing pain, emotional trauma, and stress.

What You’ll Learn

This course will teach you how to heal your body and mind using holistic therapies. Learn practical steps to detox your body, gain more energy and more.


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Personalized Support

This self-guided course allows you to go at your own pace. 

You will receive a special discount on sessions with a naturopath, iridologist, and emotions therapist so that you can access additional support.  

By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to tackle the issues that are keeping you trapped in pain and dysfunction. 

Why Go the Holistic Route?

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You're fed up with being sick, tired, and angry. Everything your doctors have tried ends up down a rabbit hole without any improvements. You're turning to holistic healing because you realize that it's your only chance for finally getting relief. 

Once you've completed my course, you'll be in a space to: 

Finally heal your body from the root and stop chasing therapy fads that waste your time and money.

Start smart protocols that incorporate herbs, foods, and other remedies to treat the cause of your pain and dysfunction. You'll finally know what to give your body to get it to work like it should!

Use powerful techniques for releasing trauma, strengthening your mind, and regulating your emotions to stay in control of your life. Taking control of your thoughts will help you stop the mind-body pain cycle that is contributing to your physical symptoms.

Stop wasting money on useless supplements. Even good supplements won't do what they should if you're not using them as part of an effective plan.

Begin the journey to self-healing in your own space! Your ability to be healthy and happy shouldn't depend on your doctor's ability to fit you in for an appointment.

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I’m Dr. Ameet Aggarwal.

Voted One of the Top 43 Practitioners Worldwide for Combining Mind and Body Medicine

I've spent the last 15 years helping people discover the roots of their unhealthy, unhappy lifestyles. I know all of the roadblocks you're facing because I help my clients smash through them every single day at my practice. 

 I am a naturopathic doctor, psychotherapist, homeopath, EMDR, and family constellations therapist. I've also authored a best-selling book called "Heal Your Body, Cure Your Mind" which has helped thousands of people around the world finally understand why they're sick. 

The course I'm inviting you to download for free was approved for training professional naturopaths, dieticians, and health workers! Don't miss this opportunity to become the self-healer nature designed you to be!


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✔️Immediate access to all course modules 

✔️Learn at your own pace 

✔️Access to other holistic health practitioners for help with holistic mind and body treatments (Beatrice)

 ✔️Nothing to buy

(Yes, this course really is FREE)

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