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Try this to test your heart

circulatory system Apr 24, 2021
heart health

Climb Stairs to Test Heart Health

Let’s get practical here. Not everybody needs extensive medical testing to evaluate their heart health. But everyone should have ways to check on how they’re doing.

So, here’s a quick way to check your heart health.

👉The Stairs Test 👈

Set a stopwatch and start climbing stairs. Climb at a fast pace without stopping, but don’t run. If it takes you more than 90 seconds to climb 4 flights of stairs (60 stairs), your heart health may not be at its best.

This comes from research presented at the European Society of Cardiology conference in 2020. They cited a study that showed the stairs test correlated with results from more advanced tests of heart health.

So, if you have access to 4 flights of stairs, give it a try. If it takes you too long, it may be time to see a doctor.

  • Give other examples of activities that should be easy to do if your heart is healthy
  • Give a list of warning signs of heart disease
  • Give your recommendations for screening for heart disease
  • The Stairs Test
  • Try this to test your heart
  • How’s your heart health?

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