Holistic Medicine Courses & Natural Remedies For

Anxiety, Depression, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Liver Detox, Improve Gut Health, Mental Health, Adrenal Fatigue, Burnout, Stress, Trauma & Chronic Disease

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Natural remedies for anxiety, depression, leaky gut syndrome, liver detox, adrenal fatigue, trauma, hormone balance, ancestral trauma & chronic disease

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Natural Treatment for Anxiety anxiety anxiety natural remedies brain childhood trauma depression emotional healing emotional trauma emotions gaba gut health and anxiety heart hormonal imbalance mind natural anxiety relief nervos system remedies for anxiety symptoms of anxiety and depression trauma therapy trauma treatment treatment for anxiety Jun 28, 2022

Anxiety occurs both in the mind and the body, depending on the root cause of anxiety (physiological or emotional trauma), the upbringing of a person and the communication resources that were...

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HOW TO USE BACH FLOWER REMEDIES anxiety bach flowers depression emotions guilt stress Feb 04, 2022

Unlock the Power of Bach Flowers 

Discover the natural remedies of Bach Flowers and how to use them for holistic medicine and treatment.

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the holistic...

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One Simple Way to Boost Kids’ Emotional Resilience brain depression emotions stress Apr 28, 2021

The Emotional Toll on Kids

Let’s talk mental health in kids.

Some of our kids are facing serious mental health challenges because of the pandemic. They are either doing school remotely or are...

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tips on how to feel connected emotions heart stress Apr 17, 2021

Tips for a Heart-Healthy Life

Reducing your risk of having a heart attack or stroke begins with the habits you follow every day. Here are my top 5 tips for a heart-healthy lifestyle:


  1. Get...
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